Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Post One, Challenge One


A few years ago, I challenged myself to a picture-a-day blog.  I didn't post a picture every single day, but the equivalent of 366 pictures (it was a leap year) and wrote about the pictures.  It was fun, it was light and it wasn't required reading material or anything inspiring, just something fun to do.
When that year was over, I switched over to just your average, day to day personal blog.  
My husband and I went through infertility and an adoption process and I started to use my personal blog as a way to document that process, both for memory sake and for allowing others to see what it was like.
Since my personal blog has taken a much more serious tone in the past two years, I didn't think it would be appropriate to start a silly challenge on it, so I started a new blog just for this.

My goal is to do a challenge, similar to the one I did a few years ago.  I don't like the idea of doing a diet, lifestyle or exercise challenge for a year, because if I wanted to make a change in areas that life altering I wouldn't want to do it for just a year.  Instead, I thought it would just be fun to challenge myself to something a little silly and share it with the world, because heck, we all need a little silly now and again.

The idea for this blog and the first challenge came while on a recent road trip with my parents.  It was a 12 hour, cross country drive with my mom, dad and one year old son.  Somewhere along the line, we heard on the radio that it was national something-or-other day (I can't remember what exactly) and I joked with my dad that it would be fun to see if you could celebrate every day with one of these silly "holidays" (think "National Pie Day" or "National Walking Day").  My dad pointed out that most days are assigned multiple "holidays", which just wouldn't be plausible, but what if I picked just one a day?

So here is the challenge. 

I plan on celebrating every day this next year by recognizing at least one "National __fill in the blank__ Day".
As my primary resource for holiday information, I am using , which lists the holidays and defines what they are celebrating.
I'm definitely not posting every day.  Did I mention the one year old?  I don't see my computer for days on end sometimes.  But, I think I can manage a weekly recap.
I will also post a weekly "upcoming holidays" post.  I always think it's fun to hear that it's "National Doughnut Day" but usually don't hear about it until I'm in my PJ's, so I think it would be fun to share with you ahead of time, just in case you feel like celebrating, too.
I will try to vary the type of day I'm celebrating-- some days recognize a certain food ("Pizza Day"), others recognize certain relationships ("Grandparents Day") and others recognize causes ("Adoption Day").  If I did just food, I would get fat and my grocery budget would be astronomical.

This challenge, for lack of a better time to start, will be starting April 1-- which is not only April Fools Day, but also National One Cent Day.

See you April 1!

So, if you are want some light reading and are curious to know which days are coming up, feel free to follow or bookmark this page!  Thanks for reading!

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